Ted Sanchez

1st Ward Failed Councilman

Our community deserves leaders who truly represent our interests, but under Ted Sanchez's leadership in the 1st ward, we've experienced continued neglect and stagnation. Instead of advocating for the pressing concerns of San Bernardino’s families, Ted Sanchez has been disconnected from the real challenges we face. From failing to improve public safety to overlooking opportunities for economic development, his lack of action has held our community back, leaving us to struggle without the support we deserve.

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Sanchez In The News

167% Pay Bump

167% Pay Bump

Sanchez helped vote himself a 167% raise for his Part-Time position

Read the Article
Person speaking at a podium during city council meeting on employment agreement for city manager position.

Silence Speaks Volumes

While our community faces critical racial issues, Ted Sanchez’s failure to condemn these acts is a troubling display of indifference and disunity.

Read the IEC News Article
City Council Meeting

Montoya Cashes Out

Sanchez votes to terminate City Manage Montoya’s and pay him $325,000 severance

Read the Sentinel Article